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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

News: Adam Tablet leaves users wanting more

The much awaited initial impressions for Adam Tablet from Notion Ink are coming in. For more of the news around Notion Ink, I follow the official blog maintained by Rohan and the site called Notion Lovers. I was waiting for the initial impressions from Notion Lovers and it is finally out.

The quick summary of their review is that, there is both good and bad about the device. The form factor and the bulge that it has, which differentiates from other tablets is welcomed by most users. The find this good for holding and handling the device, than the flat form factors. The devices (some of them) were hit by the OTA update problem, some of the initial reviews are affected with that and are based on original software on the device.

People liked the wide screen layout and 16:9 aspect ratio for some cases, but had to get used to it for normal usage. This is like going from a 4:3 laptop screen to 16:9 laptop screen. Some of the devices that got delivered had issues, with some discoloration on the corners and that definitely is a turn off. It is still not clear, if that is a software problem or hardware issues. Hope this is like the yellow display issue of iPhone 4, which was because of some solution that is used in the manufacturing process that gets evaporated over time.

The standout feature of Adam Tablet is its Pixed Qi screen, but surprisingly some of the videos from consumers, showed really glossy surface that definitely affects the readability and usability of the device and cuts the viewing angle considerably. This was supposed to be the strong point of the device, but not sure why the additional glossy layer on top.

One other area where Notion Ink made strong claims was the battery life and here they definitely seemed to have met the challenge. The overall battery life report seems to be good with quick recharge periods also.

The Software side of Adam, which is called Eden also had mixed reviews and involves some learning curve. The panel system of user interface, as seen in the video is definitely not responsive and this could be software related, but also seems to be buggy.

Lets hope most of these are software issues that can be resolved, but as a developer platform the device is already making progress. The XDA community which is known for Android hacks and rooting, is already working on loading up the device with hacks, roots and applications.

Notion Ink has acknowledged the software update issue and has mentioned that they will be doing the software update that had created problems, before making the next shipment. Lets see if some of the user feedbacks given by the community is addressed in upcoming posts from them

Author: Vinod
SourceNotion Lovers

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