Since the dawn of computers, keyboards have been a primary input device. The form and function of the device has stayed pretty much the same for quite some time now. Recently with the developments in touch screen interfaces, there have been touch screen keyboards coming into almost every other device, still the place for traditional keyboard is undisputed.
With keyboard, comes the question of ergonomics and there have been lot of manufacturers who have tried to please the customers with different variations of the keyboard. Microsoft's own foray into this market to produce its own keyboard was definitely successful, but not adopted by all. The team at "Smarfish Technologies" have come up with yet another variation of the Ergonomic Keyboard, but this time with a mechanical difference.
Instead of a design that is fixed, this "ErgoMotion Keyboard" is touted to analyze the usage pattern of the user and adopt its shape, by shifting the physical form of the keyboard both horizontally and vertically. This change in shape is said to be based on the form that is best suited for the users needs and position, there by reducing the stress on the user and hence keeping the issues like carpal tunnel likely away. The keyboard is said to have been developed in close coordination with country's leading Orthopedic Hospital, The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City.
This device is already getting good press from technical blogs and sites like Gizmodo and Engadget, prior to the CES Newsweek of 2011
Source: Gizmodo, Engadget
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