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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

News: 3D movies coming VUDU

3D was popular early in 2010 right around the release of Avatar and hence CES 2010 was bombarded with all the 3D TV launch and few 3D media announcements. One year since, there has not been any major 3D movie that kept the audience raving about it, there has not been any major 3D media that is making consumers rush to buy 3D TV, but people are still stuck with 3D.

Among all the news for 3D, if some people choose to buy it, then they may have one additional way to get their content. In addition to the rare 3D DVD releases (which stay exclusive to some manufacturers), the consumers can now get the 3D content streamed to their TV from VUDU. All one needs will be to have a 3D TV that has partnered with VUDU and has the application enabled in the TV or have one of the streamer devices that actually support VUDU. There will be a additional cost of $1 for 3D rentals and $2 for purchases.

The streaming market is definitely picking up, but it will be interesting to watch how big of a share will the 3D streaming market be. Until the lanuch of a glasses free 3D TV  and more content, it is tough to see any momentum in this market.

Author: Vinod
Source: Engadget
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