Adam Tablet from Notion Ink, which is eagerly awaited by many of the Android lovers has reached a major milestone in getting closer to the user base. Rohan Shravan, in his official blog has confirmed that the product has received the FCC approval. The FCC approval is likely to be listed latest by Monday, hence may not be showing up for the curios people, who are trying to hit the FCC site right now.
This is a real positive move for Notion Ink, as they published early last week in their blog after CES 2011, that they are still waiting for the FCC approval, which made the wait to have the beautiful, powerful and lot more practical device aggravating.
For the people who follow the FCC approvals a bit too closely, they also shared the approval information where NI3421A01 is the Product Code, Guarantee Code of Y2G and 0020356499 as FNR. The Product Code that has been assigned seems to be a special code with some history behind it. As Rohan states in his blog A01 stands for the Adam 1 series. 3421 are consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci series. 3421 happens to be the 9 consecutive number in the series follow 0000,0100,0102,0302,0503,0805,1308 and 2113. So this makes it the
9th iteration of the product that is being made available to the customer.
While Rohan mentioned that he has the CE details also, but it has not been released owing to some CE rules, that the announcement has to come only from them.
This also means that with more supply available from Pixel Qi (hopefully soon), the Pre-Order time may soon reopen for the second round. Hopefully we will have some official and user reviews from actual usage before the second pre-order, when all people like me and some of my friends can jump on-board.
Author: Vinod
Source: Notion Ink
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